Michael “MYKO” Gutierrez:
Founder and CEO of Visad Records
So, who is Michael “MYKO”? He’s just another guy that is in love with Music, specifically playing guitar. Born and raised in Sacramento California, he would always dream of playing a part in the Music Industry. Listening to various albums at the early age of ten, he developed an ear for many styles in addition to having many influences. This early training was put to use while playing various instruments in a variety of bands in High School and during his College years.
Speaking of which, he had to sell his only guitar to pay for books and tuition to attend College.
He never imagined that it would eventually be replaced with another guitar owned by one of the most influential rock guitarists, EDWARD VAN HALEN( See The Inside Magazine #13 for the full story)
From this point forward, Michael continued to pursue and work in the music and entertainment
industry. Invited back to various NAMM conventions by Kramer Guitar, he had the ultimate back stage pass to some awesome jam sessions and concerts that were not available to the general public.
“I remember having dinner one night backstage wishing I had a built in camcorder because I was sitting across from Sam Kinison and watching guy’s like Bon Jovi, Billy Idol and others as they were mingling. That was such a rush.” In 1989, and on to 1992, he held several positions while working for an Entertainment program established for the Sacramento Access Cable network called “City Beat”. He started as a Field Reporter, moved onto Technical Assistant and finally Music Director. While this job was in full swing, Michael was continuously recording his own music, which was eventually played on air at KUOP (Interview and Transcripts available upon written request).
Michael has worked with numerous artists, has accomplished many of his goals, and is determined to achieve many more.